
Mono Power 250ml


  • Direction of use : Apply the Insecticides when the incidence of larvae is first observed and repeat applications as necessary, apply the insecticide in sufficient quantity of water to ensure through coverage of the folliage
  • Recommendations : Emamectin Benzoate is recommended for the control of bollworms on cotton, fruit and shoot borer on okra, Diamond back moth on cabbage, fruit borer, thrips and mites on dog Out and shoot borer on brinjal, pod borer in redgram and chickpea, thrips of grapes.


  • Monocrotophos 36% SL is recommended to control different insect pest of paddy, maize, cotton, pea, citrus, mango, coffee and cardamom.
  • It Is Recommended to control Aphids, Bollworms, Grey weevil, Jassids, Thrips Whitefly, Leaf miner, Mealy bug, Scale insect, Shoot borer, Stalk borer